Outdoor Service Guides is proud to announce that we have a new Pathfinder Handbook! This book is many years in the making and a lot of work has gone into it. This new, updated handbook includes all the new badges and awards as well as much, much, more. It includes an updated First Aid section with modern information. It includes instructions written directly to the pathfinder about how to do a wide range of life skills, scouting skills, and leadership skills. It even includes room for pathfinders to make notes to themselves, record their favorite camping recipes and track their badges! Plus, there are diagrams for how to tie all the knots required for Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class. The total book is over 550 pages!
Get it Now
You can purchase a copy of the book through Lulu and through our Quartermaster store. The book costs $27.50 plus shipping. Printing fees are based on per page costs, which means this book is more expensive than our others because it is so much longer!
You can also download a copy here, as a PDF.
Printed copies of the book purchased through Lulu and the Quartermaster store are in black and white. This choice was made so that the book would be as economical as possible for our guides and leaders to purchase copies. The downloadable version has various details and badges in color. You can of course choose to print it in any way you choose. To see what a badge actually looks like, the PDF of the whole book or the badge section can help.
You can still download the Pathfinder Badges here. This link has just the badges and awards section of the handbook, for any leaders who are trying to find those badge requirements from your phone, mid meeting.
Outdoor Service Guides would like to be sure that all registered pathfinders have access to this new handbook. If your group needs assistance providing copies of the Pathfinder Handbook for your pathfinders, a fund is being set up to assist you. Please reach out to Donathan Dedolph at treasurer@osg-us.org and let him know about your need. Be sure to mention your group, your address and how many pathfinders need a copy.
Thank you to our Volunteers

Outdoor Service Guides would like to thank everyone who contributed to this book especially the following Rovers, who’s tireless effort made this book possible:
- Donathan Dedolph
- Eric Giaccino
- Victoria Grimmes
- Chance Michaels
- Laura Sowdon
- Jeff Welch
- Sola Whitehead
We appreciate your hard work and dedication to OSG.