2024 Summer National Campfire

I humbly apologize that we have not held a national campfire since I took on the role as Chief. The reason is that I’ve been holding off on scheduling an event until we had subject matter to gather and discuss.

At our recent July Board of Directors meeting, we discussed several topics that we believe are crucial for our leaders nationwide. To keep the conversation vibrant and inclusive, we’re inviting you to a national virtual campfire on Monday, August 26 at 8 PM Eastern / 5 PM Pacific. This 90 minute event is designed to foster discussions, share ideas, and strengthen our community. We’ve highlighted some key topics below, but feel free to bring up anything else that’s on your mind!

Invitations will be sent by me to national leadership and commissioners. Regional and lone scout commissioners will forward the invitation to their local GSMs and Rovers.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We are working to clarify our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion practices. DEI is the foundation of OSG, and we aim to formalize these principles in writing to guide our methods and conduct.

This initiative began with a bylaw amendment and has evolved into several supporting documents. These documents will serve as a reference for everyone, from the Board of Directors to individual patrols. We seek both awareness and feedback, ensuring that all Rovers agree to these guiding principles upon joining and during annual membership renewal.

Feel free to add your constructive comments and edit suggestions, and come as prepared as you like to discuss.

National Dues Increase

Starting November 1, 2024, all new memberships and renewals will be $25. While groups set their own dues to cover expenses like camping and program materials, this increase pertains to the national component.

Approximately 75% of national dues are used for background checks, with the remaining funds supporting training, Quartermaster, and other operating costs. Despite inflation and the financial strain from our name change during the pandemic, we aim to maintain our operations with this necessary increase.

Chief Emeritus Sowdon reminds us, “It’s (still) the best deal in scouting.” We continue to offer needs-based scholarships, no questions asked, for any group or member during charter, registration, or renewal.

For the first time in a long time, possibly in our organization’s history, we are facing a challenging financial situation with more forecasted payments than income. This reality underscores the urgency of the dues increase and the need for effective fundraising strategies that do not include cookie sales or magazine subscriptions.

During the campfire, we’ll discuss these strategies at local and national levels and welcome your input and volunteer efforts. Your support and ideas are crucial as we navigate these financial challenges together. If you have any special skills or experience in grant writing, endowments, estates or other opportunities within that domain, we can add to the list of volunteers to join the Fundraising Committee at the same time.

Brownsea Training Camp

Effective immediately, attending a Brownsea Training Camp (BTC) is no longer a mandatory requirement for Group Scoutmasters (GSMs) during their first year. While we still encourage attendance for leaders, especially GSMs and core group leadership as soon as possible, this change ensures that the requirement does not hinder new group formation.

BTC offers valuable leadership training and fosters cultural cohesion within OSG. Despite its importance, we believe regional commissioners can adequately support and integrate new groups. BTC remains highly encouraged for all Rovers, especially those in direct youth leadership roles.

We’ll discuss ways to promote cultural exchange and support new groups and GSMs, such as a mentor program pairing new leaders with established OSG leaders until a BTC is attended.

New Group Startup

We are streamlining the process for starting new groups to make it faster and more rewarding for new GSMs. The typical timeline from initial interest to recruiting members can take several months to a year. We aim to simplify this process by reducing burdensome requirements and enhancing the experience.

Your feedback and experiences are invaluable in this effort. Help us find better ways to onboard new groups effectively!

And So On

We look forward to a lively and productive conversation around our virtual campfire. Let’s come together, share ideas, and continue building a stronger, more inclusive OSG community.

Barring technical impediment, the campfire will be recorded and / or transcribed and shared so you can participate in the conversation asynchronously. This post will be updated with links after the fact.

See you there!

Rover Shane

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