Start a Group

Forming a Group

If you’re interested in starting a new OSG Group in your area, the best thing to do is to read through this site and follow our feeds on Facebook, and Instagram. Find the closest group to you and follow their feeds. You’ll get a good idea of what we do and who we are. Consider your community and who may be interested in inclusive, traditional scouting. Our groups must share a commitment to the method of OSG: authentic outdoor education focused on experiential skills and group adventure; service to the community; and a social environment that is inclusive to all. Most groups start small, though you must have two adults register as Rovers and undergo criminal history checks. Someone from your group leadership must attend a weekend training before your charter will be accepted. One or two adults will act as Group Scoutmasters, or “GSMs.” The GSM is responsible for all general management of the OSG Group, from finding and interviewing volunteers to local marketing and implementing the OSG program. The GSM will also coordinate yearly Rover training with their Regional Commissioners, and stay connected to the current news and policies of OSG.

Contact Us

To start a new group, you must first contact your region’s Commissioner, or send us a message. Your Regional Commissioner will give you an idea of the process that goes into chartering a group, what the role of Group Scoutmaster looks like, and talk with you about the best approach for finding people to join within your community. If you wish to start a group in a US territory, contact us at