Many of our members are Lone Scouts. These are scouts without a group who choose to use our programs to guide their scouting experience on their own, or with their families. Youth who wish to be Lone Scouts must register with a parent who will help them with their scouting journey.
Please note that whenever possible, we encourage Scouts to join nearby groups. You can use the Find A Group page to look for a group in your area. Joining an existing group gives you access to fellow Scouts and fun activities!
Please note that Lone Scouting is only for adult individuals or for family groups, i.e., parents and their children. If your child or children want to become Lone Scouts, you or another parent will need to join along with them. You become their mentor, sign off their requirements, etc. If a Lone Scout family ends up wanting to add children as Lone Scouts other than their own, they’ll need to charter as a Scout Group rather than as Lone Scouts. The Lone Scout Commissioner and Regional Commissioner in your area can help you walk through the process.As an adult Lone Scout (ages 18 and up), you would be following the Rover program and would essentially be in charge of advancing/participating at whatever rate you would like. For advancement, Lone Rovers frequently partner with a mentor (essentially, just a more experienced Lone Scout Rover), who guides them through the program and “signs off” on advancement. Many Rovers record short videos documenting their skills or proof for advancement requirements and then the Lone Scout Commissioner either sign off on them or provide feedback and guidance to continue working on them.
Membership is renewed annually, there are no “time limits” for advancement, and you can always reach out to any of the other Lone Scouts (or, if you meet adult Rovers in other sections, them as well) for assistance.
Lone Scouts wear solid red neckers and wear a group flash that identifies them as Lone Scouts. These scouts can attend regional events such as BTCs, BATs, Hullaballoos, and Moots.
For more information, you can contact the Lone Scout Commissioner or your Regional Commissioner.